Monday 15 October 2012

Visually Disabled – How HCI Has Helped the Visually Impaired

Visually Disabled – How HCI Has Helped the Visually Impaired
There are a large amount of people in society whom may have a visual disability of some sort and with the development of HCI; new equipment is being designed in order to help aid these people in order to make their lives easier when it comes to using a computer in everyday life. Those whom have a visual disability may have been born blind, caused by a disease or it may have developed over time with age. People may also have issues with things such as colour blindness which makes it difficult for them to see text or images on certain backgrounds for example. Also people whom have epilepsy may also suffer in terms of the varied flashing images or text which they are unable to read on a computer as it will cause them to have an epileptic fit.
One of the first devices that I would like to talk about is the introduction of refreshable braille keyboards. Braille keyboards have been introduced to allow those, whom are visually impaired to be able to type text, browse the internet and carry out common tasks such as being able to download a file from the internet. On Braille keyboard there is one key for each of the dots; in order to type out certain letters, several dots on the keyboard will have to be pressed at the same time. After the letter has been pressed and the keys for the dots released, the keyboard will automatically move onto the text letter in the sequence. Another type of keyboard which is called QWERTY keyboard is used by children and people whom may have only been blinded recently and it differs to the ordinary braille keyboard as it provides a platform for people whom have trouble memorising the keyboard layout.  Please click on the link below for more information

Another device which can be used by people whom are visually impaired is a screen magnifier. The screen magnifier is a piece of software which is pre-installed on any windows device and when opened allows users to zoom in or out of a certain position on the computer screen in order to make the text more readable on the screen. One of the main software programs which are used by visually impaired users is a program called JAW. This program differs from the preinstalled screen magnifier that can be seen on windows as, as well as allowing users to zoom into certain parts of the screen, it also allows users to be able to change the colour of the background to make the text more readable for the user so for example have a black background with a white or yellow text colour. JAWS also allows users to have an option to have a text to speech output which means that all text which maybe types by the user will when highlighted, be read out to the user. Please click on the link below for more information

The third device that I would like to talk about is a handheld device which is called “CCTT magnifier”. This device enables people whom are visually impaired to be able to read text which maybe on a hard copy of a text document. It allows the user to place the document on the device which is connected to the computer and to then be able to see this document on the computer screen. However, this document will be shown on the computer screen in the necessary colours which make it easier for the person to read. The document will be shown with the black background with the text colour being in a white or yellow colour to contrast with the background and therefore make it extremely easy to use.  Any document can be placed on the device in order to then be magnified and read by the visually impaired user.

The last device that I am going to talk about is descriptive audio which is known as “windows narrator” on windows. Windows narrator reads out information which can be found in dialog boxes as well as reading out a number of basic window controls in various different applications. The narrator can help aid the visually impaired person with basic processes such as installing applications by guiding them through set up menus by reading out what is displayed on the menus. Windows narrator works with notepad, WordPad, control panel and the internet explorer. It does not however, work with other programs as it has not been optimised for use in these programs. The narrator can be customised by what the user wants to be read out via the speech relay on the device. The program allows users to make sure that for example the text that they have written out is all correct and makes sense. For more information please click on the link below.

Below is a video in which the one person whom is partially sighted. In the video all of the technological elements are described that he uses inorder to make his experience much easier when using the computer for example.

In conclusion, there are various different devices that are either being used or being created in the world today which make the HCI easier for people whom have a visual need. All of the devices /software that I have discussed above has enabled people with a visual impairment to carry out day to day activities with extreme ease and overall make their quality of life with much ease. The development of these devices will continue to aid people with disabilities in the near future.

Tuesday 2 October 2012


HCI (Human Computer Interaction)

HCI (Human Computer Interaction) is the way that all humans interact with computers. HCI has develop much over the past 20 years with the introduction of new technology which has over time, become easier to use with the impact on society being huge.

Improved Usability

 One main impact of HCI on society is about usability. All over the world, a huge majority of people now use computers in their everyday life and it has become something which is extremely important in order to operate. The improvement in HCI allows for less specialist knowledge to be held by a everyday average person in order to use something such as a computer. Companies such as Microsoft have developed various functional GUI’s (Graphical User Interfaces) which have changed the way which humans interact with a computer. The consistent use of the same toolbars and menus has allowed people to use computers with ease. This has therefore enabled all people and those who may have a disability to use a computer or electronic device with ease.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones have become something of paramount importance in today’s world. The introduction of a easy graphical user interface, means that anyone in society can use the mobile phone with ease. New mobile phones allow for 24/7 communication, the use of the internet, using email programs, taking photographs and using a communication tool such as Bluetooth. The mobile phone in my own opinion has the most impact on society as it has vastly changed the way that everyone communicates.  It has made it easier for people to make phone calls to people on the other side of the planet, which is something that has not happened before. It is a much simpler way of communicating with other people. However, the mobile phone may have a negative impact on some aspects in society. This could be because in a school or college environment, you will find that nearly everyone has a mobile phone and it can be a problem with people using the devices in places which they are not allowed to use them such as during a lesson for example. It can also have other negative impacts on society in the way that the radiation that is exposed whilst using a mobile phone may trigger such things as cancer within a patient, something which is extremely dangerous.

Games Controllers

In the 21st century there has been a vast improvement in the gaming controllers of many game consoles. Around 20 years ago the only gaming controller that would be used whilst on a gamin console would be something such a joy stick, something which is totally different in today’s world. In today’s world there are a huge variety of gaming controllers which allow the user to interact within the game which most now are becoming or are wireless controllers. This has impacted society vey much as these types of controllers have made it easier for people to feel that they are interacting with a game much more than previously. One of the most recent game controllers is the Xbox kinect which allows the human body to be used as the controller and the human voice to also be used. This all gives a huge impact on society about the way in which people interact with games consoles and soon I believe, all controllers will be gone, in replace of this new technology used in the kinect. 

Touch screens

Touch screens have only just been introduced in the past 5 years and were first featured on things such as mobile phones. A touch screen display is a display which allows users to interact directly with the device just by using their hands. A touchscreen device will have a keyboard which can be used when necessary and so people do not need to purchase a keyboard to use the product. Touch screens have become dominant in the way they are used, as they are used in nearly every mobile phone which can be found today. Touch screens are not featured in such products such as apple products such as the ipad. Touch screens are now thought to be one of the easiest ways of interacting with these certain products. Software developers have been able to enhance the way they develop software such as apps in order for much more human interaction with the product. The touch screens allow for the public to easily type messages without the need for things such as whole computer and keyboard.

Domestic Appliances

Many domestic appliances in today’s world will use digital displays and have a computer chip in them which will allow them to operate. The devices which the chips will feature in are appliances such as microwaves, washing machines, dishwashers and things such as kettles. The chips will have built in programs which are all different and will allow humans to understand what these different programs are based on thing such as the various different images or text that maybe featured on such devices. These symbols or text on these devices have made it easier for us humans to use these devices and therefore made out lives much simpler. The symbols that have been used are all the same as they can be understood by everyone in a worldwide environment. Also one major impact on society is that people, whom may be disabled in a particular way, are able to still use all of the machinery as they are able to understand the symbols just like anyone else.

Disabled Users – Products to use

As I have said previously, computer use is becoming extremely common in everyday life. People whom have a disability however, could not previously use different equipment, can now use computers with ease of use. The specialised equipment that has been developed for people such as the partially sighted are screen magnifiers in order for them to now use and see what is being shown on the computers. Also specialised keyboards have been developed in order to make it easier for people whom are partially sighted to see the layout of the keyboard and make it easier to use. Stephen Hawking also uses specialised keyboard which are censored to eye movement in order for him and many other disabled people to communicate by writing out words. One piece of software which has become extremely important is called JAW. This is a type of screen reader which allows someone again whom is partially sighted to move the mouse pointer over the screen whilst on a certain bit of text and they are then able to understand what someone has written. Also technology such as speech recognition has been developed which allows for people whom maybe disabled to communicate with a computer to then be able to use the computer with ease. This has impacted on society a lot at the moment as it also allows people to not have to use their keyboards to type a document they simply have to speak out the words to the computer. Click on the link below for more information

Remote Controls/Hostile Environments.

 Remote controls have been in development for many years and have vastly impacted on society. They have impacted on society in a way that people are now able to carry out tasks which they may not be able to carry out. These maybe people who have a disability and are not able to get out of a wheelchair for example and so the remote control allows them to control an object easily without struggling with the object. However, it some cases it may have had a negative impact on society as it will promote people to become lazier and rely more on the use of these pieces of equipment.  It has also allowed for things such as scientists being able to send spacecraft into outer space to different planets. However objects that are being launched into outer space are extremely expensive and will also require people to completely understand and have training to carry out the certain task.

Data logging

A data logger is an electronic device which allows data to be stored on the device over a certain period of time. This information which will be recorded can then be used to carry out an investigation of some sort. Data logging in today’s world has become extremely easy to use and has become easy to purchase as they are now cheap and can be brought by an everyday average person. They also impact on society in the way that these data loggers can be used by people such as the BBC to make weather predictions on an accurate basis.

Fly by wire

Fly by wire is a tool which is used by pilots in today’s world and replaces the manual operating system that was previously used. The fly by wire uses an electronic interface which can be used by the pilot to operate certain aspects of the planes features as they do not have to manually operate the planes features. The impact that this type of technology has on society is that it has become much easier for pilots to use features within the plane and therefore makes it much easier for people to train to become a pilot in the long run. Also it allows people whom may not have previously been able to train to be a pilot such as those whom are disabled to train to become a pilot and use the software. One last impact is that the electronic interface means that the pilot can detect small changes if problems occur and therefore it makes flying much safer and therefore the public are more likely to use the plane as a means of travel. Click on the link below for more information

Virtual Reality Systems

A virtual reality system is a computerised environment which mimics reality in some ways. The systems have become extremely more common in today’s world as a means of training pilots to adapt to the conditions that they will experience whilst in an aeroplane, a astronaut to understand what they can expect when they are carrying out space travel and lastly racing car drivers to also understand what they will experience whilst they are behind the wheel of the car. The systems are extremely easy to use and will have a massive impact on society in the way that in the future people will be able to use these machines in order to improve their training within certain environments  and because the simulation is not real, there is no danger to the public. It will therefore improve the overall safety of various different jobs as they will be able to understand certain dangerous situations and try and avoid them or try and understand how they can correct the issues in reality.

Heads up Display

The display is now commonly used in cars and is a display which allows information to be viewed from any angle without any problems. This means that drivers in cars can see vital information such as the speed that they are travelling, the amount of petrol they have in the tank. This will have various impacts on society as it makes driving much simpler and safer in the way that people have more control of what they are doing and can alter this when appropriate. It will allow drivers to not have to look around the car as they will only have to focus on one area within the cars environment and this should translate to fewer deaths on the road with improved driving.Click on the link below for more information


LCD’s displays are liquid crystal displays which have become extremely common in the world in about the last five years. They have enabled people in everyday life to use an interface such as on a mobile phone with much easier use as the screens are easy to use and visually look at a screen which is much clearer than the previous screens used. They have impacted on society vastly. They have enabled a much ease of use when using such products as mobile phones. LCD screens have enabled products to be reduced in size and therefore allowed people to be able to carry their mobile phones with them at any time. However, it has caused more people to view things such as television and mobiles and this is linked to the problem of obesity.

Impact on Economy

HCI has had many different effects on the economy which has drastically changed the way that work is carried out. I will be explaining both the negative and positive effects of the impact of HCI on different parts of the economy.


With the introduction of technology such as robots which have been introduced through HCI, productivity has dramatically changed in the working environment. The working environment now relies on everything being automated which means that machines carry out the same task throughout the day, every day. This automation has allowed companies to greatly reduce their own costs as they no longer have to employ a high number of workers to carry out a specific task, as they can now use robots with for example just one worker controlling this robot to make sure that the job is completed. HCI has allowed for graphical user interfaces on machinery such as the robots or for example tills at the supermarket, so this enables them to complete a task much quicker than they would have done previously. This means that overall productivity has vastly improved and has allowed companies to produce a higher number of goods with a lower cost ratio than previously. However the negative impact of this automation is that machines can go wrong and therefore time is wasted having to continually have the machines fixed, which maybe in the short run, a higher cost than having a large number of employees.

Automated Judgement of Output

One of the ways that automation has been used on production lines is through computers which make judgements based on certain criteria. These computers which are working on a production line will accept good which are of a certain quality, size of shape and will discard other items which do  not match the criteria. This enables the business to make sure that the end product for whatever it maybe, is of 100% satisfaction and to also make sure that every single product will be of the same standard. As only 1 worker is controlling this machinery, the business will save a large amount of money through only having to employ this one employee to control this machinery and not have to have other employees.

Voice input

The need for voice input, because of the development of HCI is something which is needed as for example, when we ring places like banks, they will use a automated system which allows the customer to say the number which relates to the information that they need and for them to be through to the correct department for example. People can now use thing such as the internet in order to type in information such as meter readings electronically and no longer need to speak to someone or having someone come round your house to take the meter reading. This vastly reduces the costs to a company as they no longer need to employ a high number of staff for call centres or to have people to visit people’s homes in order to take the meter readings.

Thought Input

One major impact on the economy is through a process called the thought input which means that computers make decisions for us in certain circumstances for example when entering data into Microsoft Excel and when wanting to create a graph or chart, this is done by the computer. This is something which is used in the world of business which allows work such as finance details to be completed at an increased rate because of computers allowing for increased efficiency of workers. This means that a company may only need a reduced number of employees to carry out certain tasks and so this may cause job loss. Research is currently being carried out in America on items called “micro chips”. These are being designed for people whom are unable to communicate with the world and these micro chips will hopefully allow them, by the power of thought, to be able to use equipment such as computers just by thinking about an action. This will have an impact on the economy as they will allow more people with a disability to be able to work in the future. Click on the link below for more information.

Varied Working Environments

The introduction of HCI and the development of HCI has allowed for a dramatic change in the working environment of the modern day. In the early days before HCI was introduced, people would have to carry out work manually in an office for example. Since the improvements of HCI in regards to technology such as a computer, people are now able to work away from the office as long as they complete work by a certain date for example. This is due to the introduction and improvements of items such as the mobile phones and wireless internet for example. This means that people can be more flexible when it comes to the hours that they will be working, as they are now allowed t ick and chose the hours that they work, however as long as they complete the work when the employer wants it. This may however have negative impacts on the economy, with people not being able to complete work on time due to family commitments or for example people completing work to a lower standard than previously.

Reduced need for face to face discussions

One major impact of HCI on the economy is that because of different methods of communication such as emails and texts, this means that there is a reduced need for people to communicate face to face. In the business world, this would translate as less need to be in the same country as someone to communicate with them as they can now communicate through video conferencing which saves both time and money for the company and allows for an increase in business efficiency. Click on the link below for more information

Impact of HCI on Culture

HCI has impacted on culture dramatically as it has allowed for the breakdown of cultural barriers through technology such as translators, different social aspects and the way that we carry out our work. I will be describing the different impacts of HCI on culture.

Breakdown of Cultural barriers

HCI has had an impact on culture in the way that it has changed the way that people work. It has allowed many more people to work from different working environment such as working from home. People can now access their work via an internet connection which allows them to have much more flexibility in the working hours that they produce. People are now able to communicate via using text messaging which allows them to feel that they belong in a society as it is something which happens on a daily basis within the UK. Also people are able to communicate and work via the use of emails which would have replaced memos to allow for easier communication. Texting has become one of the main aspects which has changed our culture as it allows for quick and easy communication as well as it having an impact on language. This impact can be seen as a negative impact if the language that is used in texting is used in other documents.


HCI has allowed for electronic translators to be used which are available on the internet such as Google translate. This enables people to type in words of phrases and for them to be able to understand the word or phrase in a different language. This means that communication between people of different languages becomes easier and allows for simpler communication between different language groups. Translators in today’s world can either be accessed via the internet or brought as a portable device which is extremely cheap. This enables people of different languages to work together within different cultures. 

Social Aspects

HCI has allowed for technology which enables the distribution of portable music through devices such as iPods or mp3 players which can be brought with a person wherever they travel.  Through the use of a graphical user interface, people are able to listen to music anywhere they go based on semiotics which are featured on the devices.  HCI has also allowed for gaming to be taken to a higher level as it has allowed people to access the internet whilst they are using a games console to then play a game for example whilst online. This enables people to be in contact with other people from around the world and communicate with them. This could lead to people understanding more about other cultures and also develop problem solving skills whilst playing the game. However, this could have a number of negative effects as it could lead to problems such as people having a worsened view of someone else’s culture for example. 

There are a number of different negative effects of the impact on HCI on culture as HCI requires one to one communication between the user and the piece of equipment; it reduces the need for one to one communication between people as they are now able to communicate through the use of different product.  This may lead to many people having problems with their social skills and losing this skill which is extremely vital when working in a working environment. This may cause problems with the employability of that person. Another problem which may arise is the problem of professionalism. As things such as texting and email are becoming increasingly more common and the language that is being used in these documents is changing, people may lose their professionalism in the way that they produce different documents as the language that they use may become increasingly more common in the different documents.

Psychological & Sociological Impacts

HCI has many impacts on the type of work which is carried out in a working environment.  HCI has decreased the variety of work which is available to carry out in the working environment as many companies rely on machinery to carry out specialist tasks and this means that only 1 person is needed to look after the machinery in hand. This means that the specialist trades are becoming few and far between as people are no longer needed to carry out these tasks, which reduces the need of tradesmen. As more and more employees become increasingly reliable on technology such as computers to carry out various tasks, the process of deskilling is likely to take place. It can be argued that employees would become less motivated with their job as they do not find it a challenge as the computer will complete most tasks for them. Also it can be argued that employees will also feel less valued within the company as they may feel that they no longer need to be there. This will have an impact on the overall job that they do, and will have an impact on the way they carry out their work in the future. Click on the link below for more information
Loss of Some Trades

HCI has impacted a number of trades in the modern world as because of the introduction of robots which can carry out tasks which some specialist tradesmen carry out and carry the task out to a higher and the same standard every time, people whom are involved in a trade are no longer needed. Robots which use HCI allow one person to operate the machine in order to carry out a number of tasks which are completed to a high standard, therefore it not being necessary for a tradesmen to carry out this task. This will create a problem with all of these people whom may become out of work and therefore have to look for other jobs which are simply not out in the economy and the products produced by the machines may be of lesser quality than if implemented by the craftsmen. 

 In the images below is a presentation which I have created which shows the development of the Xbox as a games console. I have written about the development of the Xbox and how HCI has impacted specific apsects of the console such as the graphics. Games consoles or gaming has had a dramatic impact on culture and on soceity.

In conclusion, HCI has had numerous effects on society as a whole, economy and culture around the world. HCI has allowed us to move forward in the way that we communicate, the way that each of us world in the modern world. HCI has allowed for greater growth in the economy due to the increase in productivity. HCI has had huge impact on modern day culture, most importantly I think, is the impact on the way that each of us communicate and the language that we use.